Friday, May 16, 2014

Halloween Ribbon Wreath

This is my new Halloween Wreath!
Thick Black Polyester Ribbon (I had some 2.5 inch that I cut in half for this.)
Green Organza Ribbon
14 inch (I think) embroidery hoop
Price:  ~$10.00. The black ribbon I bought on sale, it was $5.00. The roll of organza was $1.99 at Hobby Lobby. The embroidery hoop was about $2.50.

I don't have any pictures because it was THAT easy.

Step One:
Cut the ribbon in about 5 inch lengths. I usually eyeball my first and use that to measure the rest. Cut the ribbon lengths in half longways. Heat seal the edges using a lighter. You may want to practice this a bit if you haven't done it before. All you do is use the open flame and quickly wisp the edges of the ribbon that you cut. This will reduce the fraying. Do be careful, the ribbon will catch fire if you don't do it quick enough.

Step Two:
Tie the ribbon in a regular overhand knot on the embroidery hoop. When tying addition knots, be sure they are all lined up on the same side of the hoop. Depending on whether you like the knot look or not this can be the front or back. (They are on the front of mine).

Step Three:
When you are finished tying the overhand knots all the way around, cut a few strands (6 for mine) of a few feet of green ribbon and tie onto the hoop like you are tying your shoes. Make sure you heat seal this ribbon as well. I thought the wreath was too plain without the bow, but my husband liked it better without.

You can hang on your front door or use a command hook in the house. Easy and Cute!

This was also not an original idea. Here's the tut.

Brittany Kavanagh

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